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How Many People Are Undereducated and illiterate?

Education is a life necessity for everyone on Earth whatever race, color, and gender you are. Even though the world literacy rate has jumped from 75% to 84% ( male literacy 88% and female literacy rate 79% ) the last 20 years, 72 million children in the world are illiterate all because of poverty and most of them are in Sub-Saharan Africa with nearly 32 million children.

How Can We Solve This Problem?

  • Illiteracy begins probably when poverty or war struck an area and as a result, the country could not provide efficient and operating schools for the whole population so illiteracy rises, for example, because of both war and poverty South Sudan and Afghanistan both have on of the highest illiteracy rate in the world with 27% of their populations illiterate. Well, does it have a solution, probably which is to end the war in that specific countries ( that country will also need time to recover from the war ) and find ways to fund educating programs for people, like asking for funds from other countries and depending on the oil, petroleum, exports, and tourism for finding funds.

Here is a list of the countries with the most literacy rate-

  1. Russia

  2. Canada

  3. Japan

  4. Israel

  5. USA

  6. South Korea

  7. New Zealand

  8. UK

  9. Finland

  10. Australia

Here is a list of the countries with the lowest literacy rate-

10. Pakistan

9. Guinea-Bissau

8. Mozambique

7. Central African Republic

5. Cote d'Ivoire

5. Nepal

4. Bangladesh

3. Timor-Leste

2. Mauritania

1. Togo

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