In the 1960s China's population is booming at 650 million people and in 1980 China's population had reached a record-breaking of 1 billion people, in that same year the Chinese government had introduced and enforced the One Child Policy, it aims to control the rapidly growing population of China. Since then, every family in China will only be able to give birth to one child or will be penalized and punished. The penalty is that they should pay a fine between 370$ and 12,800$ for a specific number of years per child (Couples Will Have To Pay 20% Of Their Annual Income), and if they are not able to pay that fine they will lose their jobs, their land, and their livestock and get their house destroyed, also their child will lose all state benefits and rights including healthcare and education, or their child would be taken away ( Forced Abortion and Sterilization Were Common Too ). But if the parents give birth to twins or triplets they won't be penalized.
Its effects were that it made the Chinese Population's fertility rate incredibly low and one of the lowest in the world, it also amazingly curbed the population of the working people in the country which will have a bad impact on the economy and its growth. It is also considered in many countries a human right violation in the perspective of many people outside and inside China.
But in 2015, (starting in 2016) the One Chid Policy Will Change Into A Two-Child Policy, the new policy would help stop the maybe new upcoming working population crisis.
As We Can See At The Beginnings Of The 1960s, the population is growing rapidly but as soon as we reach the year 2000 the population will begin to curve.